8 Things we are Proud of in 8 Years

Eight years today, Qpercom launched in NUIG

  1. Became world leader in online clinical skills assessment automating crucial exams. Bringing objectivity to crucial exams in medicine and health sciences,
  2. Going global: the world truly is your oyster. Our clients range from ….. (work on all continents?)
  3. Fostering Entrepreneurship and innovation: David, Thomas, Enda P, Enda G, Kelvin, Debi, Jose, one more, is it you? And then there were 8, our team are entrepreneurs and innovators in their own right
  4. Software: pioneering
  5. Still delivering for our 1st client, 8 years on: we pitched, we promised, we delivered. World first in OSCE automation. 8 years of OSCEs recoreded in NUIG, only university in the world that can say that
  6. Dragging exam assessments out of the dark ages
  7. Bringing OSCEs to a new generation
  8. Never stop learning: emerged from an academic environment, our home: 7 published papers with x professionals
  9. Recognised nationally
  10. Recognised internationally?
  11. Reduce incidence of human error in assessment by 30%*(link to paper)
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