What is a Long Case in clinical exams?

What is a Long Case in clinical exams?

A Long Case is a form of clinical examination where an undergraduate student, trainee or junior professional discusses a specific case with a senior professional. Following on from the name, Long Cases typically last for at least 20 minutes per scenario and can last...

Borderline Regression Analysis in Assessment

Borderline Regression Analysis in Assessment

What is Borderline Regression Analysis? Borderline regression analysis (BRA) is an absolute, examinee-centered standard setting method widely used to standard set OSCE exams, Yousuf, Violato, and Zuberi (2015). Candidates are awarded a “global score” for a station in...

What is an OSCE exam?

What is an OSCE exam?

An OSCE exam is a typical type of examination (first described in 1975) that is often used in health sciences (e.g. medicine, physical therapy, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry) to test clinical skill(s).

Qpercom in Ronald Harden’s ‘Definitive Guide to the OSCE’

Qpercom in Ronald Harden’s ‘Definitive Guide to the OSCE’

Dissemination of research findings often takes a long time. However, we are very pleased our research was noticed and published in Ronald Harden's 'Definitive Guide to the OSCE', an important book for those working in the field of medical education (page 147...

Implementing Competency Frameworks in Qpercom Observe

Implementing Competency Frameworks in Qpercom Observe

When Qpercom developed it's unique Observational Management Information System (formerly OMIS, now Observe) in 2007, it very much used a ‘bottom up’ procedure. This is analogous to how module coordinators and exam administrators developed their assessment...

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

Qpercom. For some, it does not roll off the tongue upon first hearing it.  We have received many a phone call in the office for 'Qwerpercom'.  To set the record straight, here’s how it goes: Q / PER / COMThe letter ‘q’, ‘per’ and ‘com’. Click...