Dissemination of research findings often takes a long time. However, we are very pleased our research was noticed and published in Ronald Harden’s ‘Definitive Guide to the OSCE’, an important book for those working in the field of medical education (page 147 (ISBN: 978-0-7020-5550-8)).

From December 2009, Qpercom automated observational clinical assessments, also known as Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs). This type of assessment is also used for selection purposes and admission interviews, called Multiple-Mini Interviews (MMIs). MMIs follow similar setup and operational procedures to OSCEs. Qpercom Observe software (formerly OMIS) automates OSCEs and MMIs. Three years of research and development preceded the publication of the research paper on this OSCE management system.
Excerpt from Harden’s The Definitive Guide to the OSCE:

Eight years later we have seven research papers published and over 20 international universities and institutions using our system. We also had the pleasure of meeting Dr Harden at an AMEE conference, where we launched our portfolio of advanced assessment solutions catering for OSCEs, MMIs, MCQs and EPAs (Entrustable Professional Activities).

Qpercom’s assessment solutions are relevant to you if you examine any group of people such as students, employees, colleagues, in a repetitive manner through a series of stations in which they have to perform certain tasks or participate in series of (multi) mini interviews. OSCEs are also used in law schools, health sciences, dentistry and veterinary medicine.
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